Language Piet
Date: | 09/10/06 |
Author: | Dana Connell |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 25 |
Info: | |
Score: | (4.21 in 437 votes) |
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Peter Haskins said on 09/27/06 16:41:07
Keymaker said on 09/27/06 20:40:45
Seems like a pretty nice program! Never realized that Piet didn't have this program written in it! Great to have one now.
larva said on 01/24/07 22:07:03
i don't really get this one O_o
markild said on 02/08/07 13:33:16
@larva, it's esoterical, it's kinda the point
George said on 02/12/07 14:52:34
That's just cool.
john said on 02/28/07 11:53:02
Imagine trying to debug that :/
ARYANTHONY said on 03/12/07 03:41:50
ESOTERICAL isn't a word / "Markild" Ur a Fuckin' Idiot
Henrik said on 03/16/07 22:37:02
Great job.
Actually i have learned piet just for making a bottle on the wall, but you where fsater :D
Tor said on 05/19/07 18:29:17
And ARYANTHONY - "Ur" is not a word either.
Peter Spicer-Wensley said on 05/20/07 05:22:22
Actualy "Ur" is a word as in "Ur of the chaldees" as in babylon as in where Abraham was born.
Abraham was a homie from Ur.
If I knew Piet, I would be Pieter the Pieter...
SeaDog said on 05/30/07 13:15:56
I was trying to learn Piet, but it's very difficult especially since there are no editors that can help with a program as large as this one. I am very impressed that this could be done. This is the hardest language ever. The program is very cool looking. Really well done! You definitely deserve Top Geek status!
RegnumMortis said on 09/05/07 22:04:59
@SeaDog: I have to disagree with the "hardest language ever" part. Nothing beats Malbolge ( )
alex said on 03/23/08 11:23:30
Don't forget BrainF*ck that things like an enigma.
PaulG. said on 04/14/08 19:28:08
I'm not impressed. The image is the written code converted to a bitmap with some goofy graphics thrown in for cuteness. The actual written code looks less interesting than just about everything else. I'll be impressed when you can actually write the code in PC Paint.
Dana said on 05/05/08 01:43:03
Sorry PaulG. ... you are wrong. The code is not a converted bitmap. It is legitimally written in Piet
Tony said on 05/29/08 17:23:47
PaulG : I'm very curious as to what written code can be converted into a bitmap and then run in Piet.
If I understand you correctly, you're not impressed because you believe someone wrote the code in C and then took the text of the program and converted it into a bitmap, added graphics, etc.
Is this what you believe ?
Rakel said on 05/30/08 15:29:36
You do use a lot of unnecessary whitespace.
Tackelberry said on 06/30/08 21:49:15
The code submission page says
*This is not a "shortest code" contest
*Use Whitespace, TABs and Returns to make your code readable
It looks good to me!
chic said on 12/07/08 22:35:34
you might have made an error on third line before the blue line..
now the funky stuff.. anyone considered 'subversioning' that? :D
Eddy Ferreira said on 12/13/08 09:03:58
Mine is much more compact.
(codel size 4 to make it easier to see).
fishypoo said on 01/01/09 18:16:07
@Eddy Ferreira: Yours is nice and compact, submit it as an alternative.
However, yours is a lot uglier than the one above.
JC said on 01/02/09 11:05:02
I just came here to comment on Eddy Ferreira's version, which I saw on the Piet page, but I see he already commented on it!
@Eddy Ferreira: Add it as an alternative! I like yours better.
trilce said on 04/25/09 05:39:37
That's just beautifull. And it works. It is amazing.
Ataman KALKAN said on 07/12/09 02:50:00
Oh, this one is a real visual language
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