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Language NIL

Author:Sascha Leib
Score: (2.52 in 21 votes)

I would like to propose a new example for your great (or not) "99 
bottles" listings. The language is called "Nil" and constitutes a 
radical shift of paradigms from the always inplicit cliet-demand concept 
to a new "nihilistic" conception, or maybe it doesn't, but that doesn't 
really matter anyway.

Unfortunately, I can not provide you with a stringent source code, or 
maybe I could but in any case I won't. If you read the language 
specifications carefully, you may understand why or you may not - that 
doesn't matter.


In fact, any of the source example listed on your site (and much much 
more!) can be used as source code for a Nil compiler. But then again: 
none of them will really make any difference.

The output (the object file) will of course follow a more 'nihilistic' 
principle, in case you would care about that. But in any case, to have 
any fun with it, you shouldn't.

Now, I don't know what you should list in the site, but one or another 
might find it funny - or not, but what do I care.


All the best (or not)


PS: Seriously: I don't know what to put in to the list, but I think it 
would be great to have it there... What do you think?

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>>  Sillyman said on 12/15/05 04:19:22

Sillyman The language of Nops!

>>  bs said on 01/08/06 00:44:32

bs Yeah, that's fun and everything, but it doesn't print the 99 bottles song. :/

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