Language AutoIt
(version 3.x)
Date: | 05/17/05 |
Author: | Mike Gogulski |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 8 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.94 in 130 votes) |
; AutoIt 3.x version of 99 Bottles ; By Mike Gogulski <> 21 March 2005 ; AutoIt is a scripting language for Windows application automation ; AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 0) Run("notepad") WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") $bottles = 99 while $bottles > 0 Send($bottles & " bottle(s) of beer on the wall,{ENTER}") Send($bottles & " bottle(s) of beer{!}{ENTER}") Send("Take one down, pass it around,{ENTER}") $bottles = $bottles - 1 Send($bottles & " bottle(s) of beer on the wall{!}{ENTER}") WEnd
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Michael Heath said on 06/03/06 19:05:55
AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 0)
WinWait("Untitled - Notepad"
For $bottles = 99 To 0 Step -1
$string = $bottles & " bottle(s) of beer on the wall," & _
@LF & $bottles & " bottle(s) of beer!" & _
@LF & "Take one down, pass it around," & _
@LF & $bottles & " bottle(s) of beer on the wall!" & @LF
ControlSend('Untitled - Notepad', "", "Edit1", $string, 1)
Evilertoaster said on 08/03/06 04:11:09
GUI Version:
#include <GuiConstants.au3>
GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW,GuiCreate("Beer Counter", 288, 265,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)))
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(GuiCtrlCreateButton("Start Counting", 5, 210, 80, 30),"GO"
$Edit_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 10, 10, 270, 170,BitOr($ES_MULTILINE,$ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL))
$sleeptime=GUICtrlCreateInput("Seconds Per Beer",90,210,200,30)
While 1
func go()
$bot=" bottles "
For $a=100 to 1 step -1
if $a=1 then $bot=" bottle "
GUICtrlSetData($Edit_2,$a&$bot&"of beer on the wall"&@CRLF&$a&$bot&"of beer!"&@CRLF & "Take one down, pass it around,"&@CRLF &$a&$bot&"of beer on the wall"&@CRLF&GUICtrlRead($Edit_2))
GUICtrlSetData($Edit_2,"0 bottles of beer on the wall..."&@CRLF&" beer....Awe, sad..."&@CRLF&GUICtrlRead($Edit_2))
func MyExit()
Daniel Meyer said on 10/30/06 08:25:40
; MsgBox version
$a = ' bottle'
$b = ' of beer'
$c = ' on the wall'
$d = '. Take one down and pass it around - '
$e = 'no more'
For $n = 99 To 1 Step -1
$text = $n & $a & 's' & $b & $c & ', ' & $n & $a & 's' & $b & $d & $n - 1 & $a & 's' & $b & $c & '.'
Case $n=2
$text = $n & $a & 's' & $b & $c & ', ' & $n & $a & 's' & $b & $d & $n - 1 & $a & $b & $c & '.'
Case $n=1
$text = $n & $a & $b & $c & ', ' & $n & $a & $b & $d & $e & $a & 's' & $b & $c & '.'
MsgBox(0, '99 bottles of beer', $text)
Xantios said on 12/01/06 23:12:55
$bottles = 99
Send($bottles & " bottle(s) of beer on the wall,{ENTER}"
Send($bottles & " bottle(s) of beer{!}{ENTER}"
Send("Take one down, pass it around,{ENTER}"
$bottles = $bottles - 1
Send($bottles & " bottle(s) of beer on the wall{!}{ENTER}"
until $bottles = 0
send("No more beer :("
Karl said on 12/27/06 21:57:05
Hey what about adding a finishing part about heading down the shop to buy more beer at the end!! Nice work!
Przemek said on 03/21/08 10:32:52
The one sktypt is active only in an system in the English version.
Justin Reno said on 05/15/08 19:47:26
Here's one that talks:
;Written by Justin Reno.
If @OSVersion <> "WIN_VISTA" Then
If @OSVersion <> "WIN_XP" Then
MsgBox(16, "Song", "You need Windows XP or above for this to work!" & @CRLF & "Sorry."
Global $Speach = ObjCreate("Sapi.SPVoice"
For $Pop = 99 To 1 Step - 1
$Speach.Speak($Pop & " bottles of pop on the wall, " & $Pop & " bottles of pop, take one round, pass it around, " & $Pop - 1 & " bottles of pop on the wall"
ptrex said on 02/15/10 13:55:13
This version 2.0 is dead for a long time.
I have submitted a new sample code for version 3.2