Language AutoHotkey
(Shows a GUI with the song displayed.)
Date: | 08/27/08 |
Author: | Erik |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | |
Score: | ![]() |
A=0 Loop,99 B.=(F:=100-++A)(G:=" bottle")(Y:=F=1 ? "":"s")(X:=(Z:=" of beer ")"on the wall")",`n"F G Y Z . ".`nTake one down and pass it around,`n"(H:=(Y ? F-1:"No more")(D:=G (F=2 ? "" :"s"))X)".`n`n" B.=H ", no more"D Z ".`nGo to the store and buy some more, "A D X "." Gui,Add,Edit,w600 h250,% B Gui,Show Return GuiEscape: GuiClose: exitApp
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