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Language Ant

Author:K. Seifert
Score: (2.97 in 38 votes)
Author: K. Seifert 2005
1. Ant is a Java build tool 
   (sorta like a cross between make and xml)
   More Info:
2. This script requires the library ant-contrib.jar
   More Info:
   Drop this jar in ${ANT_HOME}/lib/
<project name="Bottles" default="init">
resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" />
  <target name="init">
    <var name="i" value="99" />
    <antcall target="sing" />
  <target name="sing">
    <echo>${i} bottles of beer on the wall</echo>
    <echo>${i} bottles of beer</echo>
    <antcall target="drink" />
  <target name="drink">
    <math result="i" operand1="${i}" operation="-"
        operand2="1" datatype="int" />
    <echo>take one down, pass it around</echo>
        <equals arg1="${i}" arg2="1" />
        <echo>${i} bottles of beer</echo>
        <antcall target="sing" />
        <echo>one bottle of beer on the wall</echo>


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Alternative Versions


>>  Gregor Scheithauer said on 05/20/05 11:15:37

Gregor Scheithauer According to the Lyrics you missed the last verse.

>>  k. seifert said on 06/06/05 22:47:47

k. seifert oops...I didn't know the end lyrics. Here's an version that handles all special cases:

<project name="Bottles" default="init">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" />
<target name="init">
<var name="i" value="99" />
<antcall target="sing" />
<target name="sing">
<switch value="${i}">
<case value="0">
<echo>no more bottles of beer on the wall</echo>
<echo>no more bottles of beer</echo>
<case value="1">
<echo>1 bottle of beer on the wall</echo>
<echo>1 bottle of beer</echo>
<echo>${i} bottles of beer on the wall</echo>
<echo>${i} bottles of beer</echo>
<antcall target="drink" />
<target name="drink">
<math result="i" operand1="${i}" operation="-" operand2="1"
datatype="int" />
<switch value="${i}">
<case value="-1">
<echo>Go to the store and buy some more</echo>
<echo>99 bottles of beer.</echo>
<case value="0">
<echo>take one down, pass it around</echo>
<echo>no more bottles of beer on the wall</echo>
<antcall target="sing" />
<case value="1">
<echo>take one down, pass it around</echo>
<echo>1 bottle of beer on the wall</echo>
<antcall target="sing" />
<echo>take one down, pass it around</echo>
<echo>${i} bottles of beer on the wall</echo>
<antcall target="sing" />

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