REM {ND6 version of 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall}; REM { by Brandon Zylstra of ZebraFish Studios }; REM { }; REM { (see also kludgey R5 version) }; REM { put the following in computed text: }; @For(b := 99; b > 0; b := b - 1; Verses := Verses + @Text(b) + (word := @If(b = 1; " bottle "; "bottles"))+ "of beer on the wall, " + @Text(b) + word + "of beer. " + (nl :=@NewLine) + "Take " + @If(b = 1; "it" ; "one") + " down, pass itaround, " + @If(b = 1; "no" ;@Text(b-1)) + @If(b-1 = 1; " bottle "; "bottles ") + "of beer on the wall." + nl); Verses